I/C Principal         :  Dr. Dilip S. Maske
Vice Principals       :  Dr. Neeta S. Tatke
Vice Principals   : Mrs.Vidya H. Patil
Vice Principal : Mrs. Swapna Joglekar (Junior College)
Registrar : Mr. Prakash G. Pawar
The Doongarsee Gangjee Ruparel College, established in 1952 by the Modern  Education Society, Pune is rightly known as one of the best institutions of higher education in Mumbai. The top ranks in University Merit Lists, Gold Medals and the high number of first classes bagged by our students in the examinations of the University of Mumbai reflect our constant quest for academic excellence.The College has oriented all its programmes towards the fulfilment of its Mission and Vision statements. Every attempt is made to align the curricula with the changing global milieu.The teachers use a combination of student-centric teaching-learning methods to cater to the diversity in the aptitudes, intelligence, learning styles and interests of the students. They use non-traditional teaching methods and the tools in ICT.


In accordance with its motto ‘For the spread of light’, The Modern Education Society aims to create and disseminate an atmosphere of learning and research of a high academic, professional, ethical and ecological standard in which learners can gain knowledge and skills encompassing a wide range of disciplines - humanities, physical, biological and social sciences, law, technology, management and commerce - which will result in multidimensional personality development of the learners and will enable them to fulfill the needs of industry and the community at large.


  • Quest for lifelong learning
  • Learners as the focus
  • Stimulation of active learning
  • Fostering research
  • Efficient governance
  • Collaboration with industry
  • Social responsibility